
How many containers do you recycle
per month?

If number of containers recycled = 100

water save

Water savings


You’ve saved 587.42 litres of water.

shower icon

That’s the equivalent of 66 minutes of showering.

energy save

Energy savings


You’ve saved 130.39 megajoules of energy.

tv icon

That’s enough energy to power your TV for 3,569 hours.

land save

Landfill savings


By recycling your bottles and cans, you’ve saved 4.36kgs of material from going to landfill.

xe rac

Number of garbage trucks <1

pollution save

Carbon emissions avoided

Great impact! Your recycling has helped avoid 12.04 kgs of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

road icon

That’s the same amount that a car would emit by driving for 48 kilometres.

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